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Sunday, March 28, 2010, "Danica Patrick Interview"

by Noopoor Akruwala

For the past few years, I’ve noticed recurring ads for some web domain called Most of us probably wondered, what is and why are there sexy girls posing in tight t-shirts for this website domain? It turns out that these girls bear no relevance to In fact, they are just used for luring and provocative advertising. I mean, the only thing they do is sit there, look pretty and say “Go Daddy.” Now, is it just me, or is this just a low way to advertise any sort of product or scheme? In reality though, this is isn’t the first time sexy women were used as product sellers. They are purposely used as “devices” for attracting consumers into looking at products that they would never lay eyes on in the first place. ads exemplify what the media thinks sells. The media feels that society can be controlled by altering the people’s perceptions and finding their weaknesses. In this case, using girls with superficial bodies and overdone makeup is the way to go (shocker? I think not!)

This particular ad features the new face of this company, Danica Patrick. She has actually been in multiple GoDaddy ads, but in this one, she is being interviewed by a woman who thinks the ads are “too sexy.” Danica then questions the “too sexy” part and the interviewer goes on to strip of her glasses and loosen her hair to show her what sexy is. Although this ad is really not meant to be taken seriously, many people have questioned this company and its use of women as their base for advertisement. Danica Patrick herself strayed from social norms and became one of the greatest NASCAR drivers while competing with the most competitive male drivers out there on the tracks. Ironically, she is the new face of company which seems to use women only for the purpose for grabbing the interest of males.

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